Kemplang Singkong
Fried Grated Coconut Cassava Cake
Singkong parut 150 g
Tepung beras secukupnya
Santan secukupnya
Kelapa parut secukupnya
Garam secukupnya
Singkong parut 150 g
Tepung beras secukupnya
Santan secukupnya
Kelapa parut secukupnya
Garam secukupnya
- 150 g Grated Cassava
- Rice flour to taste
- Coconut milk to taste
- Grated coconut to taste
- Salt to taste
Cara membuat:
- Campurkan 150 g singkong parut dengan kelapa parut sesuai selera
Mix 150 g grated cassava with grated coconut to taste
Add a little coconut milk until the mixture of grated cassava and grated coconut become a kneading mixture
- Tambahkan tepung beras secukupnya untuk membuat adonan lebih mudah dibentuk
Add rice flour to taste to make the dough easier to form
- Tambahkan garam secukupnya
Add salt to taste
- Bentuk adonan menjadi bulat pipih
Shape the dough becomes flat round
Fry the dough that has been formed with medium heat
- Angkat dan tiriskan kemplang yang sudah digoreng
Remove and drain the fried grated coconut cassava cake
If you like sweet taste, you can add a sugar solution to smear the fried grated coconut cassava cake. The recipe of the sugar solution can be found in the previous recipe Fried Grated Coconut Sticky Rice Recipe
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