Indonesian 'Dos' Fish Cake (Without Fish Flesh)
*'Dos' means the sound of the surface bubbles on the cake that burst when it is being fried.
Bahan kuah (Cuko):
*'Dos' means the sound of the surface bubbles on the cake that burst when it is being fried.
Bahan :
- Tepung terigu 100 gram
- Tepung tapioka 200 gram
- Air 150 ml
- Bawang putih 3 siung (giling halus)
- Telur 1 butir
- Ebi 1 sdm (giling halus)
- Garam, merica dan penyedap rasa secukupnya
Ingredients :
- 100 g Wheat flour
- 200 g Corn flour
- 150 ml Water
- 3 cloves Garlic (finely ground)
- 1 Egg
- 1 tbsp Small shrimp (finely ground)
- Salt, pepper and flavoring to taste
Bahan kuah (Cuko):
- Air 250 ml
- Bawang putih 3 siung
- Cabe rawit 3 buah
- Garam 1/4 sdt
- Gula merah 100 gram
- Asam jawa satu ruas jari
- Gula pasir 2 sdm
*Bahan yang digunakan untuk kuah dapat ditambah atau dikurangi sesuai selera
Ingredients of the sauce (Cuko):
Ingredients of the sauce (Cuko):
- 250 ml Water
- 3 cloves Garlic
- 3 Thai pepper
- 1/4 tsp
- 100 g Brown sugar
- 1 inch-length Java acid
- 2 tbsp Sugar
*The ingredients used for the sauce can be added or reduced according to taste
Cara membuat:
1. Siapkan 100 gram tepung terigu
Prepare 100 grams of flour
Prepare 100 grams of flour
2. Tambahkan bawang putih giling, garam, ebi giling, penyedap dan merica
Add finely ground garlic, salt, finely ground small shrimp, flavoring and pepper
Add finely ground garlic, salt, finely ground small shrimp, flavoring and pepper
3. Didihkan 150 ml air
Boil 150 ml of water
Boil 150 ml of water
4. Tuang air yang baru saja mendidih pada campuran tepung terigu. Aduk hingga rata
Pour the water that has just boiled on the flour mixture. Mix well
Pour the water that has just boiled on the flour mixture. Mix well
5. Tunggu beberapa menit hingga adonan menjadi dingin
Wait a few minutes for the mixture to cool
Wait a few minutes for the mixture to cool
6. Masukkan 1 butir telur, aduk hingga rata
Add 1 egg, stir until smooth
Add 1 egg, stir until smooth
7. Masukkan 200 gram tepung tapioka, uleni hingga rata
Add 200 grams of corn flour, knead until smooth
8. Adonan siap dibentuk
The dough is ready to be formed
9. Didihkan air, tambahkan 1 sdm minyak sayur
Boil water, add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
10. Rebus adonan yang sudah dibentuk lebih kurang 20 menit
Boil the dough that has been formed for about 20 minutes
11. Angkat dan tiriskan
Lift and drain
12. Goreng hingga matang
Fried until the fish cakes are cooked (golden)
Cara membuat kuah:
Directions for making the sauce (Cuko)
- Giling halus bawang putih dan cabe rawit
- Campurkan semua bahan-bahan kuah
- Masak hingga mendidih, aduk sesekali
- Saring kuah
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